
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

An Epic tale from another part of Kalamar X

The Story continues 

Two more days. Doesn't seem like a long journey, but you're not exhausted, wet, cold, hampered by wounded goblin survivors, low on supplies, and still being followed by goblin hunting parties. Yeah, the heroes are having a bad week.

As tired as they were, the party kept going as long as possible. Darius looked like he might be suffering from infection, and had slowed too much to keep pace. Malvus continued scouting, ever aware that goblins continued to harass them. When a goblin was spotted on their side of the river, the spry monk chased after, only to fall into the goblin's trap.

Te little bastard threw a rock into a stirge nest and tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately, Malvus was faster and knocked the goblin out. He was too late o avoid the stirg , however. The little bloodsuckers swarmed the party causing panic among some of the women. Jjela and Shary, however were used to stirge and fought back bravely.

Now, had stirge been their only problem, this would have been over quickly. Unfortunately the commotion drew the attention of other predators in the area. From the bushes came a rust monster, hungry for the delicious taste of paladin armor. It was ineffective at the armor, but did damage Kalamor's sword, giving way to many curses at the rotlord for sending forth such a monstrosity.

While Darius continued to tear off stirge, Frug succumbed to the swarm. Fighting through his own pain, the young servant shoved a healing potion into his friend's mouth. They were starting to take control of the situation when a loud, baritone like howl shot through the forest. Kalamor shuddered. Owlbears are somewhat common in the Fyban, but usually leave adventurers alone, focusing on easier prey. Unfortunately for the heroes, stirge wee biting at the big beast, and sending it into a frenzy. It charged Neshy and Shary, but Malvus lept in the way. The stirge continued to swarm the party, but most were either dead or moving on, having had their fill. Kalamor did his best to avoid the rust monster while the owlbear made continued strikes at the monk.

A lucky stray kick from Malvus dropped the rust monster and Frug shifted into a great bear to take on the owlbear. Between maul, bear, an spear, the owlbear was quickly slain. Most were ok, save frightening amounts of blood loss. Neshy, however succumbed to her wounds during the fight. Her sister, Shary, was saddened, but showed little remorse. Chada was so distraught from the ordeal the was nearly in a catatonic state.

Onward the heroes marched, now with one goblin in tow. When he awoke, Kalamor interrogated the goblin for information. He confirmed the goblins were preparing another assault and that they were nearby. To by the party time, Kalamor took the goblin back to his people, hoping to intimidate them into giving up, or at least give the heroes time to rest. They were less than accepting of the offer, claiming they needed the girl as tribute. Kalamor countered that the girl was their tribute and they should find whatever hole they could to avoid further punishment. The ruse seemed to work as the goblins did back off. The paladin then turned and did his best to find his friends.

A couple hours later, Frug found the passed out Kalamor, lost and exhausted in the woods. They reunited with the party and got the best rest they could hope for. Around mid-day, the party awoke, feeling better, but crestfallen to find Chada and Shary missing, along with Kalamor's sword. The party debated on whether to leave them or continue onward, but it was all empty argument. They would not abandon anyone to sacrifice or tribute.

Frug found the scent and led the party back up river to a location near where the goblins had been. The trails split after that, with one human heading south, and the other with the goblins due west. The party followed the single human and found Shary hiding in the bush. She was frightened and told the tale that they tried to leave south back to their people and were caught by the goblins. She escaped but Chada was caught. Before they could decide what to do, two wood elves approached the party. Karyion and Sarif were tracking some goblins and followed the trail to the party. They had also found a group of goblins with a prisoner. It was unlike goblins and Orc to keep prisoners for tribute. Another, more sinister threat must be out there.

They agreed to get some sleep and push out early the next day to catch the goblins and try to free Chada, again. With the elves help, The party made good time and caught up with the goblins in a clearing. Most were sleeping and Chada was see tied to a stump. The heroes attacked with abandon. In mere moments, the goblins were all but destroyed. Karyion smiled and strutted up to a goblin near the tree line and put an arrow in its eye. But before he could turn to help the heroes finish them off, a great claw snatched him into the forest and ended the elf's life.

"Where is my tribute!?", the dragon roared as he entered the clearing. It's green scales shimmering in the morning sun. Fear. Not some simple nervous twitch before a fight, but genuine fear fell upon the party. The dragon was still young, but even a young green dragon is more than a match for novice adventurers. He charged Frug, nearly killing the little guy, only saved by a transformation into a great bear. Darius helped Malvus finish off the goblins, then layed hands upon Kalamor. If they wanted to survive, they needed the paladin in fighting form. In turn, Kalamor blessed his allies, while Malvus sent flurry after flurry into the flank of the dragon. Undeterred, it continued to strike Frug, though he was needing to share attention. Darius walked forward speaking the oath of the valiant, challenging and condemning the dragon. He smote the beast repeatedly, drawing the dragons attention.

Seeing the tide turn, the dragon moved to a strategic position and let blow a mighty wave of poisonous gas. Darius fell, grasping at his throat and Frug lost his concentration, shifting back into gnome form. Malvus, too, was affected, but still standing. The dragon smiled at his handiwork, oblivious to Kalamor. His blessing chant stopped, and a wrathful scream flowed from the paladin's lips as he charged, mace in hand. The dragon turned, but too late. One final blow to the temple and the beast was vanquished.

The party assessed their situation and were mostly relieved. Of the nine, only Karyion and Shary had died. Chada was rescued and confirmed what Kalamor suspected: Chada was to be used as tribute, handed to the goblins by her own people. Well, with the dragon dead, the tribute was no longer required. Darius, awake now, eyed the dragon's scales as a good replacement for his worn set. It would take a while to skin this beast...

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