
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

An Epic tale form another part of Kalamar XI

 The Story Continues

Let me axe you a question...
Ngithol sat in silence and watched from afar as the others busied themselves with the slain green dragon. She watched the camaraderie, their faces flush with success and their bodies relishing in the brief rest they now allowed themselves. She watched... and she envied them. The bonds they shared, the ability to peaceably talk with each other and more importantly, their full control of their own faculties.

She turned away from them to step into the shadows of the nearby trees and walked over to a goblin that lay there. She'd noticed it had survived the earlier purging and had tried to crawl away unnoticed not realizing Ngithol had been trailing behind staying a ways away from the rest of the group so as to not endanger them in combat. Two days following at a distance in the forest, two days of executing any goblins that weren't yet fully dead and brutally slaying those that stumbled upon her...two days of being alone with nothing to do between the bouts of madness induced violence but to reflect on her being a liability now.

The goblin looked at her with fear as she approached. It's mouth was gagged and it tried desperately to crawl away with little success, the cauterized stump where it's left foot had been pushing ineffectually at the ground, as blood loss and shock kept it from mustering much effort. She walked to it and addressed it in dwarven unlike any other, "You know not what your kind is do you?" The goblin gibbered unintelligibly clearly in shock or more likely just not understanding. What were the odds it'd know the language of her lands? She looked into it's eyes for a moment more hoping for some spark of recognition before she twitched her fingers and pulled on an invisible thread of power.

With a flash her great axe suddenly appeared within her hands. She kicked the goblin over so it laid on it's back and held a brief flame to the edge of the axe, heat slowly building within it. She beheld the goblin's face again and saw recognition then as it knew what she intended to do. With a deliberate and fast swing she took the goblin's right foot off before holding the hot axe blade to the stump sealing it shut. Rather than scream or struggle the goblin made the right choice and simply passed out. She disregarded that fact and continued speaking, "Murderers, thieves and kidnappers. You creatures barely alive and worthy of respect. You're nothing more than pests to be exterminated."

As she spoke she continued to vent her frustrations from the past few days upon the goblin's body. Her anger at the fact that Kalamor now had validity to his beliefs she was some sociopathic invalid and the fact that the diminutive Frug likely thought her capable of little more than mindless bloodshed with Malvus probably being of similar mindset. Such frustrations compared though to the shame and regret she felt after having nearly killed Darius, the only individual she felt able to connect with in some fashion. It'd been after striking him in the back when she first used the axe that she realized the danger it represented. How much time passed as she continued her macabre act she did not know. It could've been 10 seconds or an hour. In the end there was little left to be identified as a goblin other than meat and gristle.

With a grunt she set the remains afire and used the flames to burn the blood off her axe. She sighed as she realized she was alone again and that she likely would continue to be until she was rid of the axe.

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