Zildor's Scroll
Written in
Dwarvish thought an unfamiliar dialect of it for Telene it contains three
useful spells and notes on how to learn them, they are TRANSLATE as well as the
apprentice spell of ENCRYPT MAGIC which renders the text in a spell book
unreadable to any save the person who cast it and READ MAGIC a journeyman spell
which allows the caster to read and understand any spell so protected as well
as well as being a help in understanding magical writings of all sorts.
(Game note – The scroll is designed to assist the learning of the
spells on it as such it gives a bonus of +20 to learn any of spells on it. The spell Translate is in the players
hand book and the details of the others are as follows
Encrypt Magic
Base SP Cost: 30
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 second
Range: 10 feet
Volume of Effect: one volume of magical writing
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: not applicable
This spell encrypts one volume of magical writing typically a spell book
such that it can only ever be read freely by the caster of the spell. After it
is cast to all others it appears just a mass of random characters from the
script the spell book is written in. All attempts at decryption using mundane
methods will fail and the most that can be learned is the origin of the script
used to write the document. Particularly paranoid mages will of course use the
script form a language different from the one the text is written in making
even this limited amount of information an unreliable guide to the language the
book is written in.
Read Magic
Base SP Cost: 40
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 second
Range: 10 feet
Volume of Effect: one volume of magical writing
Duration: 30 minutes
Saving Throw: not applicable
Additional Spell Point schedule: one spell point per additional
minute of duration to a maximum of four hours in any one casting.
This spell is designed to decrypt magical texts protected by spells such
as Encrypt Magic and for its duration it renders such documents as readable as
they would be if they had not been so protected. It also has the minor but
still useful secondary effect of filling out all the minor abbreviations and omissions
wizards typically use when writing spells even in plain text making them easier
to understand by a small amount if you are trying to lean them typically a
D4-D6 -1% )
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