
Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Minnor players Part II

Minor Players part II

 A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the kings road by forgotten magic. An elf warrior of considerable height and formidable build who watches and listens much and says very little he seems to have had a hard life which has made him hard in return

A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the kings road by forgotten magic A Priest of a goddess of liberation and currently bereft as his link with his divine mistress has been severed so he is without her aid and support. He is normally the talkative member of his company and will often take the lead but he is presently quite unmusically lacking confidence

A stranger from a far world who was in the company of the others when they made their stand  would appear not to have come with them a Halfling wizard who is much given to playing the fool and apparent good humour but shows his true self through his magic 

Meanor Arvol 
A stranger from a far world drawn to the gate on the kings road by forgotten magic or at least her leg was as she was cut down fighting off demons and fell forward out of the circle as the magic carried them all away and is in all likelihood dead. A Dwarven warrior with a rather untypical taste for bright colours. 

Cogs and gears notes 
the above charactors where generated using the Pathfinder module for Herolab program and converted to Hackmaster freehand. This was an interesting experience and not one I would care to do again)

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