Episode XII – Some field rest and
recuperation and wyrd stuff happens
Dramatis Personae
Telec - Kalamarian Human Priest of the Wanderer
Aetlred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Thans – Dwarf Fighter thief
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter mage
Dvorn the Axe- Fhokki Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Dramatis Personae
Telec - Kalamarian Human Priest of the Wanderer
Aetlred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Thans – Dwarf Fighter thief
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter mage
Dvorn the Axe- Fhokki Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Violet – Half Demon Paladin of the Free
In the caves of the goblin raiders, their camp outside and the Ancient Dwarf hold
In the caves of the goblin raiders, their camp outside and the Ancient Dwarf hold
(the action starts directly at the end of the last session, with the company just having found the captives in the sink hole in the cavern floor)
(the action starts directly at the end of the last session, with the company just having found the captives in the sink hole in the cavern floor)
It proved to be the work of only a few
moments to hack apart the grill work of branches the goblins had built over the
large pit in which the captives had been held enough to allow access to the
captives. It took a bit longer for
Sondan and Lalia to fashion a crude ladder from the scavenged timber and allow
the tired hungry and half naked, all had been taken from their beds by the raiding
Goblins and most wore nothing more than their under tunics, captives to escape.
captives where it relatively quickly became apparent unhurt, as they had
largely recovered form the first days forced march and the presence of the young Peasor a priest of
the Guardian also helped with this as well as in reassuring in fearful
companions that rescue was certain they just had to have faith. The captives
had however not been fed much since the night of the raid, but had been
tormented by the cooking smells from the goblins nightly feasts, had no bedding
or much clothing to protect them from the cold and where more than a little
apprehensive at the unfamiliarity of their rescuers, it latter transpired that
they had hoped for and expected Perkal the leading priest of the community and
They where much reassured when they
discovered Violet amongst the Company but much saddened to hear of Perkal and
his fathers deaths, even though they had expected the latter when the old
warrior went berserk and broke free of the goblins on the first night of their
The captives where a mixed group of forty people
aged between ten and sixty years old apparently forming several families, most
spoke Kalamarian or Merchants tongue’s eastern form with a smattering of
Fillokki and Ranaraese. Certainly none spoke Brandobian a testament to them
being isolated at the Hidden Dell. The younger ones had apparently mostly been
born in the Hidden Dell with the older ones being brought here by the previous
champion of the free who had established the village. Amongst them where the noted and according,
to the well travelled Telec deceased, Kalamarian historian Selemar Ku’Ato and
the also accordingly to Telec deceased imperial sword smith and armourer Lakaran
Tur Esamil. They had both been publically executed many years ago for truly
dreadful crimes.
The armourer it seemed had claimed to have
found the sword, Rovak Fen’doral from the imperial regalia but was found to be
lying having produced a copy of the blade in order to be able to claim credit
for the recovery of the weapon and the huge reward that the Emperor had offered
for it. The figure which Telec recalls was a million pieces of gold. The
historian had written several well thought of histories of ancient Kalamaria,
but had come to grief when he was discovered to have had inappropriate
relations with several of the imperial nieces, as it happened this was
discovered shortly after the publication of a more recent history which some
saw as critical of the claim to the throne and lineage of the Bakari dynasty.
The names of other elders and several of the
family names where also sort of familiar to Telec, but he could not remember
any details to go with his vague recall.
Having been rescued they fell into
considerable discussion as to what to do next, it would seem that the
population of the Hidden Dell organised itself along the principles of a
participatory democracy and every one got a say in what happened, deferring
generally to those amongst them who knew most about the topic at hand. Given
that the company was with Violet they where more than happy to include them in
this practice. Eventually it was decided that a direct escape route from the
caves was best, and that they should all return to the Hidden Dell, they where
not happy when they where told that this was uninhabitable not to mention
indefensible and they would have to take shelter in the old holdfast until the
village could be rebuilt and arrangements made for its proper defence. The
older ones who had lived in the holdfast before the village was built where the
least happy about the prospect of the return to doing so. The younger ones just
remembered that the Holdfast was haunted by repute and whilst it was a fine
place to sneak into and explore for a dare was no where they would want to
Then there where the cattle and other
livestock to consider, thought Violet suggested that there was indoor
accommodation for some of them and the old paddocks outside the Holdfast could
be put back into use. The elders in
particular raised objection to this as there had never been enough space for
live stock at the Holdfast in the old days and there was more live stock than
they ever had when they had lived there even allowing for the amount the
goblins had probably eaten. Several of the Company bought up the miserable
night they had spent in the village and that there was only one place with a
roof on in the whole of Hidden Dell and that being the chapel in the basement
of the large house and that was Thans estimated smaller than the hole the
captives had just been rescued from.
Discussion moved on to the best way to get
out of the caves and back to the Dell and Violet proposed leading the people
back to the Holdfast by a more westerly route, and down the cliff path near it,
and sending the Company back by the direct south route as the trail by the
watch tree was the only practicable route into the Dell driving large numbers
of livestock. The company where not in the least happy at this plan seeing that
they would be they felt little more than bait for the goblin dog riders who
would no doubt give chase even if they where not already waiting in ambush on
that path.
In the end there where no decisions made as
to long term planning but the Company did gather up bedding from the slaughter
cave as well as the priests clothes from the side complex to clothe them better
against the journey and hand out the recovered goblin knives short swords and
shields so as to make them look more of a threat to any goblins they might come
across. Violet also handed out all of the food she had taken from the ranger’s
cache but it was a very meagre amount when divided amongst the company and the
released captives.
There was some grumbling from Aetlred hinting
that Violet had hidden this food from the company, which was largely ignored as
is, much wise or foolish he says. So as prepared as they may be they headed out
the company taking point as any goblin attack was probably going to be from the
When the company approached the entry to the
back of the mouth cave, Lalia and Thans where pressed to scout ahead. It was
obvious that the sun had almost set outside the caves and it was growing quite
dark outside. Lalia and Thans sneaked forward until they where about level with
the entrances from the eye caves but spotted no goblins yet. Continuing forward with even more caution
neither of them saw any thing, until Thans stood on some unseen debris on the
floor which crushed under his Dwarvish boot with a loud report, and both Thans
and Lalia froze. It was a loud enough report that it attracted the attention of
the group of goblins crouched outside the grill across the entrance. They
having good enough night sight spotted Thans. The one with a bow carefully
knocked an arrow drew and less carefully loosed it at Thans. It missed
completely but, Thans saw no wisdom wounded as he still was of braving any more
arrows and with as much dignity as he could manage scampered back out of bow
Lalia who had not noticed the goblins till
one shot at Thans remained hidden considering her options before deciding the
best one was to also return to the company. When they both arrived back with
the rest of the company there followed a discussion and it was decided to go
and fetch the table fort as it was not known how many goblins they faced. Thans
had seen two or perhaps three and one arrow had been loosed but at long range
so the others might also have had bows just judged the long shot a waste of an
When the Table fort had been fetched the
company again split into two groups with the attack group of Thans, Lalia,
Telec, Sondan Dvorn and Fawlit lugging the table with Heradin and Aetlred
following in the rear with bows at the ready. Violet slipped into the shadows
and made her way along the left hand side of the mouth cave an arrow knocked
but not drawn.
The Goblins soon noticed the table fort
lumbering forward and their one bowman loosed arrows at it as fast as he could
with little effect apart form one which bouncing off the structure grazed Lalia.
The goblins flighty at best become more spooked as the table fort closes in on
them and when Violet who has by now moved into the perfect position loses one
arrow which takes the goblin crouched to the left of the archer in the chest
with sufficient force to knock him down despite glancing off the grill work on
the way in the two remaining goblins decide the game is up and run quickly
disappearing out of sight, before the attack team can drop the table fort and
catch up with them, leaving their half dead companion to be sent on his way by
Thans. With the goblins driven off the company take a breather after lugging
the heavy and quite cumbersome table fort from one end of the caves to the other
and prepare for the next stage.
Having had a short rest, Sondan and Aetlred
are chosen to scout ahead and most particularly discover what is going on with
the goblin’s dogs as they are they company believes a worse threat than the
goblins themselves. Leaving the gate in the grill the pair head right towards
the dogs chorale, Aetlred examines the tracks in the soft ground whilst, Sondan
sword drawn holds a torch and ponders if the half ork or one other dwarves
might be better at this than him as he scanned the gloom for goblins. As they approach the chorale it is
silent and there seems to be no goblin in the watch post beside it and more
importantly Aetlred notices that there are a lot of fairly fresh dog tracks
leaving the area heading south. He decides not to investigate this right away
but to reconnoitre the dogs’ chorale and the shed at the back of it. Sondan
follows warily as Aetlred his ward examines tracks and works out that there were
at least fourteen dogs with five of them with riders. Aetlred decides to enter
the shed, he lights a second torch form Sondan’s brand and leaving Sondan on
guard outside.
Aetlred enters first forcing his torch into
the soft ground just inside the door he begins to rake thought the mess of
bedding and debris inside the shed, with the point of his heavy spear. Shortly
metal catches metal and Aetlred spotting the cause a small disk of yellow metal
bends down to investigate. He finds it’s a bronze disk broach in good condition
if a bit dirty rubbing it to remove the muck he sees that there is a design on
it of a radiant flame on it, in which with a little more rubbing is revealed an
open gate and then fleetingly a ring of gently glowing dwarven writing and
Aetlred is some where else and its very dark.
Outside Sondan hears a loud pop and looks in
to find Aeltred’s newly lit torch stuck in the ground and the bedding and
debris of the dogs den freshly disturbed but Aetlred gone. Sondan ever the good
soldier decides to report back as this is very much beyond his pay grade.
(At this point the narrative splits and the
two next sections actually happened at the same time.)
Sondan who is fearful of very little but
understands urgency legs it back to where the rest of the company are crouched
in the gate of the mouth cave where he relays what he had heard Aetlred mumble
about the dogs, which was not all that much and that Aetlred has vanished. Pushed to explain he says he just cannot, it’s
suggested that as he was supposed to be looking after Aetlred this was some how
his fault, Sondan bites his tongue at this but it stings what else could he do
it was not something he could fight, Aetlred just vanished with a pop he adds
and the company better have a look and see if they can work out what happened.
As usual there is some discussion and while
the majority of the company head straight to the dog’s chorale to investigate
Aeltred’s vanishing. Violet moves forward to determine where the dogs went and
quickly discovers that there where fourteen dogs five of which had riders on
all of which rode south as a pack at about the same time the fight around the
captives prison took place. Mean while the rest of the company inspects the dog
shed and finds it as Sondan said, Aeltred’s torch still stuck in the ground
near the entrance illuminating the place and a couple of Aeltred’s soft boot
prints showing where he stood and raked through the bedding and that he then
walked forward a step or two then no more. Perhaps because he vanished at that
point or perhaps because no one in the company present is enough of a tracker
to pick up any step he might have made onto the disturbed bedding. They stood
and starred they had Heradin look for any traces of magic, and he found none
not being sufficiently talented at arcane lore even to be aware the sort of
magic that had effected Aetlred existed
not to mention having no spells to divine any thing. Expected Telec to
discern the actions of some divine power and he was just as much at a los as
Heradin. In the end the company called out to Violet who had by this time
finished working out where the dogs had gone and asked her opinion but she was
equally none the wiser but she did suggest that as it was very late and every
one was hurt it might be an idea if the company took shelter some where for the
night, especially as she and doubtless the others who had use of their gods
power, but it was spent, would find it rejuvenated after a nights sleep. There
is some agreement with this but no one wants to try to sleep in a cave full of
goblins, even if those goblins are at least for now cowed. Eventually it is
decided that the best place to shelter is the dwarf hold and Heradin suggests
the abandoned inn. However no one wants to have the captives have to climb up
the ropes from the kitchen cave to the sink hole above and thence through the
hole in the wall to the entry stairs of the dwarf hold.
Some one points out that the sink hole in
which the captives where held appears to have broken into the dwarf hold and
that it might be quite possible to break through the crude wall the goblins
have built to block it off. So Thans and Heradin work to loosen some stones
form the wall and when they have done that Thans leaves Heradin to supervise as
every one else able bodied piles in to remove the wall, those who can’t work to
gather up as many of the goblins torches as they can and to move the goblin barriers
across the two passages which lead further in.
Thans goes and recovers the companies
precious rope from the sink hole and by the time he returns with it the wall on
the east side of the prison is cleared revealing a worn version of the tribute
corridor, one which seems at least to have been partially flooded in the
distant past. They step into the corridor and move towards the closed stone
gate at the end. Noticing as they do the decaying bodies of a number of goblins
and that the globe by the door is down. Some one hisses not Elvish no
Brandobian. Despite their age and the long ago ingress of water the door opens
smoothly when the word friend is spoken in Dwarvish as the illusory speaker
requests and they enter the tribute hall with the company in the lead. Briefly
stopping to once again marvel at the wall paintings but soon broken from that
reverie by an unfamiliar stench of acrid decay.
Aetlred became aware that he was all alone some
where dark and quite empty judging by the echo, briefly he wondered where his
torch was then remembered leaving it stuck in the ground in the dog shed.
Aetlred cursed, where was he then as his eyes adapted to the dark he became
aware he was not alone nor was it totally dark. There are others and a faint
light coming from one of them who is standing half crouched presenting
something which is emitting a weak but comforting light and softly incanting a
prayer. At Aeltred’s feet is an elf of exceptionally powerful build that
appears to be dying slowly bleeding out from half a dozen wounds. Other less
recognisable items litter the floor all around most seem to be body parts of
beasts the whole of Aetlred devoutly hopes never to meet. Broken gear, crushed masonry
and the lower leg and foot of what Aetlred believes to be a dwarf still wearing
a heavy nailed ankle boot and bloodied striped trews. Beyond the comforting
light is Aetlred can see a deeper soul eating darkness. The Darkness is closing in as the praying
figure’s light very slowly fades. Aetlred wonders what to do and feeling his
spear would be useless falls to trying to stop the unknown elf dying, futile as
that might be with the soul eating darkness closing in and resolving into
hellish geometries.
A powerful voice speaks a single word of
power and the darkness is gone as if it never was and the light flares as
bright as day for an instant. Even crouched attending to the wounded elf
Aetlred notices there is a new arrival in the tribute chamber of the ancient
dwarf hold a tall powerfully built Dwarf in a blue tunic with yellow and
crimson edging red trousers and riding boots of a similar sort to the ones
Heradin wears toped off by a mustard coloured cap of the sort Alerted had only
ever seen in the speaking illusionary images here and in the hold under the
Meliac’s farm. The Dwarf spoke, in low Elvish thought Aetlred, very strange as
he was sure he heard after echoes in another harsher tongue. The wounded elf at
Aeltred’s feet groans and begins to come around and the crouching man wielding
the light like a weapon turns to face the new comer. They exchange introductions and Aetlred
learns the names of those present. The Dwarf is Zildor, nothing more, no
surname no title no elaborate recitation of lineage as if none of that where
really needed. The Man was apparently Americ Estvaran chaplain to the Company
of the Liberators of the Blight Scar and the wounded elf was Nyssarr a warrior
from that company. The priest speaks as Nyssarr was too wounded saying did not
know how they had come to be here as they had last been trapped in some sort of
under ground cavern beset on all sides by demons. Some they had fought off but the
ones made of nothing more than malevolent darkness where beyond them. He then
thanks Zildor for dealing with them and asks where they are, leaving the question
as to how they got there mute. Zildor nods and answers both you are a very long
way from home and there is no need to thank him for dealing with a few vermin,
the nonchalant way the dwarf dismissed the easy destruction of the likely end
of all of them was rather alarming. All of this conversation to Aetlred seems
to have been conducted in the low Elvish of his mother tongue. Aetlred decided
to make a contribution and asks Zildor what the broach he found is reasoning
that it was the cause of his being down here so suddenly and in the first place
answers politely but some what abruptly in the typical manner of a blasted
dwarf Aetlred can’t help thinking.
The broach Zildor explains is one of several
that he made long ago and has only one magic to it and that it to transport the
person handling it to the nearest
working gate on the king’s road. The magic is quite powerful and will do this
over considerable distances regardless of any barrier, Aetlred begins to see
and it crosses his mind that the broach is a perfect escape form any difficult
situation. Zildor corrects him as he says there is no way of choosing which
gate you go to, nor is there any guarantee that the location of the kings gate
is any more safe than where he is already the broach just seeks the nearest
regardless of all other considerations. Aetlred asks why every one can
understand each other and seems to be specking Aeltred’s native tongue; Zildor
replies that this is a function of the gate which will for a while after its
use do that its part of the magic built into them
After answering that question Zildor wishes them good day as he is rather busy and came here himself for some peace and quiet to get some work done and he is gone as abruptly as he arrived
Leaving Aetlred and the two strangers
together in the light of Americ’s flickering magical light. Aetlred takes
charge and the strangers do not intervene to prevent him he attends to
Nyassers’s wounds which are several and quite deep despite his mail and Americ
who is unhurt but proves to have quite a bit of magical healing helps healing
his comrade and Aetlred who is himself
quite wounded from his pervious adventures. He also offers to lead the pair of
them out of the cavern but warns them that none of them will be able to
understand each other after they leave the circle of the gate and its
translating magic. The two strangers also having heard what Zildor said are
already aware of this but have not yet grown weary of this habit of Aeltred’s. The
strangers agree and follow Aetlred south down the tribute corridor to the
entrance hall and begin to ascend the stairs towards the hole in the wall which
leads to the sink hole and thence to the surface.
The Company soon notice the cause of the
stink of rotting the platform in the middle of the room is no longer empty.
Instead it is littered with rotting body parts form hideous creatures, wings
and clawed legs and arms as well as a great deal of thick black blood. The only
sane thing found is the left foot and calf of what was probably a dwarf also
well decayed. Despite the stink several of the company stopped to investigate
the remains Heradin could make little of them and his best opinion was that the
wyrd magic he and Aetlred had believed the raised platform and its now slightly
sparkling gems involved in when they had examined it before but beyond that his
grasp of the theory of magic gave him no guide. Telec was sure that the body
parts where from some sort of demon, Violet was sure he was right especially
after she found a small token with some abyssal script scratched on it a name
Herkarat and Lalia found a single gold coin which had been sewn in between the
layers of leather of the sole of the dwarfs boot it was old and worn but very
defiantly gold so she slipped it into her pouch. Eventually however the cloying
stink of the rapidly rotting flesh overcame their curiosity and the
investigators decided to get on with their original plan. To move to the
ancient Dwarf inn and spend the night there. Though Violet who had seen none of the dwarf
hold at all before this had to suppress her with to go and explore further. The
group lead by the company therefore moved on and noticing that the south door
was open and for some reason they decided to go that way rather than east as
they had planed.
The south corridor was as they had discovered
in the Companies visit thought the ball had apparently retracted into the
ceiling again, but the whispered call went round no Elvish no Brandobian. After
which the company proceeded into the entry hall, and paused to look at the wall
paintings there, by chance looking up Violet noticed a light flickering at the
top of the stairs not a natural light to white, magic. Jumpy because of finding
the evidence of the enemy in the goblin caves Violet drew an arrow knocked it
and loosed it almost before any one else was aware she had seen any thing much
less what. The arrow shot form her bow speeding up into the darkness towards
the light bearer who it missed being aimed a little too far to the right of
them striking Aetlred a glancing blow fortunately, but it still staggered the
frail half elf. Nyassor ever suspicious unslung his crossbow as Americ raised
his light and brightened it. Then Violet realised he mistake and lowered he bow
calling up profuse apologies in broken Brandobian. Aetlred recovered enough to
signal to Nyassor to lower his aim and indicate that the shot was a mistake
amongst friends all be it a damniably painful one. Aetlred and his two
companions descended the stairs slowly and the rest of the company waited for
them arms lowered wondering who Aeltred’s new friends where.
Aeltred’s new friends put up their weapons
and relaxed and looked at those they approached a score of scruffy ill armed
militia types save the one in knightly mail who oddly lacked ether a helm or a
shield or a weapon beyond a common walking staff, only the Tiefling ranger
looked like one who truly knew her business. That said Aetlred who they some
how trusted looked to be little more than an elfin child, playing at being a
hero. Those behind them dressed in dirty linen tunics and rags of cloth and ill
cured fur armed with long knives and humanoid bucklers had even less about them
to impress. On the Other hand the company saw Aeltred’s new friends and they
looked rather as if they knew the trade of adventuring and where properly
equipped for it. The Human wore a simple steel helmet and a sleeveless steel
scaled tunic metal over a quilted long sleeved gambeson, reinforced leather
bracers and had a nasty looking mace type weapon hanging at his belt. He was
booted and hung about with satchels and haversacks doubtless full of the sort
of gear the company would like to have. The massively built elfish looking figure
still holding a very nasty steel spanned cross bow though now not pointing it
at any one looked even more warlike in his mail coat and nazeled helm with a
long curved sword at his hip was also hung about with adventuring gear. He squinted
grimly his outlandish eyes little more than red slits in the cold pure white
light of his companions magical light. This was no doubt a cold killer and one
it was to be hoped was on your side.
As the three reached the base of the stairs
Violet came forward and profusely apologised to Aetlred for shooting him and
offered to see to his wound but Aetlred never the most socially adept rather
snubbed the apology and said he wasn’t
hurt that badly and would sort it out after he had introduced his new friends. He did just that, relaying the whole tale of
what had happened since he vanished in the dog shed and pointing out that
neither of his companions spoke a language any of the company was going to
understand, but the situation felt more than a little awkward even so.
In the end Telec suggested that they should
carry on to the inn and in addition some one should go back and get a pig form
the animal enclosure above and as no one had eaten much or properly they should
organise a hog roast to cheer themselves all up. This was done and the evening
ended in some festivity for all concerned even given the lack of ale or in many
cases a common language eventually most of the company drifted away to sleep
but not before Telec and Sondan had organised a watch to be kept in the passage
near the entrance they had made form the goblin caves.
the Company and the released captives slept replete and happier than they had
been for several days in the relative safety of the inn in the ancient dwarf
hold Aetlred fell to dreaming.
Muster officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Amulun
Duke of Ebaran himself, ruler of Ebaran. The crowd gathered in Temple Square quieted
as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He
cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone
from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Amulun Duke
of Ebaran’s shadow fell huge and distorted across the Great Temple’s facade. A
moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and
earth, along with a violent tremor.
the west, the fortress known as the Great Bastion the location of Ebaran’s pale
stone had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and
very black smoke which erupted into the heavens. A moment later, a powerful
roar rent the air and was followed by a welcome sight rising from the crowd Ebaran’s
greatest guardian, the ancient dragon Alakarennassamur, who had until that
moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another
form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape
three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning,
gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature’s identity was immediately
obvious: Valaxdev, the Storm King of the Blight Scar, had come to Ebaran!
the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon
and the Demon lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing
moments, as the Demon cut deep into Alakarennassamur’s body, swooping down to
strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic
duo spiraled downward toward the crowd.
sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Great Temple of Ebaran one
no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the
far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into
this world. The rift it created shot across the square opening up a great chasm,
and this time there was no escape it opened below your feet, and every where
the shocked attendees of the great annual muster fell away into darkness.
as you fell, cruelly wounded by the Demon lord’s blade the dragon noticed your
plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to
save a few more souls. After she uttered a few rasping words of power words and
stretched out a blooded talon in your direction, you felt her magic take hold
of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling
into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward
into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the
ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her
neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light
of the world above was gone.
this Aetlred awoke with a mighty start and found himself in a cold sweat, the
good sprits conjured by the hog roast quite gone. Around him his companions
still slept, this annoyed Aetlred for no good reason and convinced he would not
sleep again that night he resolved to get to the bottom of the dream or what he
was sure was a dream even though it was as vivid and disturbing as if he had
actually lived it.
snaffled a couple of scraps from the remains of last nights feast and came to a
conclusion that the damned big dwarf knew something more about what was going
on than he had told and resolved to beard him in his lair. With this
determination in mind Aetlred marched down to the tribute hall, and after glancing
almost apprehensively in the direction of the gate thing he turned and hammered
on the carved doors to the north. Shortly he had an answer as a postern he had
not even seen opened in the door and the same large dwarf told him to come in. Which
some what nervously Aetlred did entering a bright clean hall beautifully
decorated in the same sort of style as the dwarven houses the company had
explored lit by crystal lamps and furnished like some sort of wizards
study from Aeltred’s imagination with
the walls lined with shelves of books high chairs and a work table covered with
scrolls and wyrd looking maps, a writing
desk and a pair of armchairs .
Dwarf rather behaved as if he had been expecting Aetlred. Being a hospitable
soul for all his apparent grumpiness and not tolerating idiots at all well,
Zildor offered Aetlred a mug of good ale and a very comfortable chair and
offered to answer any of the questions Aetlred might need answering. Aetlred
was a bit shocked as in his mind dwarves came in two sorts the full of
themselves sort, Thans, and the miserable and taciturn, Heradin.
said that the thing outside in the tribute hall was a gate on the king’s road
built by his apprentice Aildor who had settled here some thirty thousand local
years ago or more. When a prince of Zildor’s people had answered a cry for help
from the dwarves of this realm and Aildor had gone with him. The two strangers
where not from the same realm but form a place a long way away which was much
beset by primal chaotic evils, Zildor believed, how they had come here in
particular was not clear but Zildor suspected that some powerful magic they had
used had synched in with the kings gate outside causing it to operate as if
they had stepped form one active gate to another.
creatures found in parts on the gate where the foot soldiers of that evil slain
by the strangers and their missing companions and the vermin he had destroyed
where a more elite soldier of that same evil. Zildor added that these elite
soldiers these chaotic evil outsiders and something which had no place in this
realm and that was why he had destroyed them as he did.
strangers where in all likely hood far
to far form home ever to return at least not without magic of the power which
had brought them hence and that was not something Zildor believed would be
found in this realm. Zildor could be wrong as he admitted to not knowing a
great deal about the details of this realm after all he said he came here form
else where to be able to work in peace and quiet and the guest rooms Aildor had
built where convenient for that and rather a home away form home.
strangers did speak learnable languages, but that in the mean time it was quite
possible to translate them using magic. Indeed there was a simple spell which
would work in this realm to do just that and it so happened that he had a
scroll of it to hand. Zildor told Aetlred that the spell could be cast once
from the scroll by any one with the ability to read the language of dwarves but
doing so would consume the scroll so that it would be better given to a wizard
so that that individual could use it to learn the spell and so have it to hand.
There where also some notes on the scroll to help in learning the spell and a
couple of other spells an aspiring mage should find useful. Zildor went to the
writing desk picked up a beautifully tooled leather scroll case and handed to
Aetlred who had the presence of mind to clip it to his belt.
asked Zildor about the dream and whist he did not understand all that much of
the answer he got he did remember it in detail. The dream he had was almost
certainly a true memory of the events which lead the strangers to use whatever
magic they had used however it was not a memory of Aeltred’s but rather that of
one of the strangers missing companions with who Aetlred had some how fused as
they had appeared in the same place in the same time. Aetlred being the native
here, and perhaps with the other being in the process of dying had provided the
majority of the fusion but that fragments of the other would likely rise to the
surface from time to time.
conversation after that touched on several subjects the majority of which
Aetlred cant now recall as he was by
this point overcome by the tiredness of the day before having had but a couple
of hours sleep before the dream woke him. Aetlred did remember asking Zildor
about the overlord and Zildor saying after a discussion the details of which
are very vague that he, Zildor could if needed kill it, however there would be
consequences and it would be better if the problem was dealt with locally
Eventually the fatigue and the ale took hold Aetlred dozed off and had a rather
pleasant sleep one he greatly needed, and dreamed romantically of Halflings.
Aetlred was dreaming in the Wizards very comfortable over stuffed chair the
rest of the company awoke arranged itself a breakfast of oat cakes baked form
the last of the fruit porridge by one of the villagers and cold cuts form the
remains of the hog roast from the precious night. Then whilst the rest arranged
to break camp those who where injured received magical healing and first aid
from Violet, Telec and Linamar, it was some time during this activity that it
became apparent that Aetlred had gone missing yet again and after some moaning
the company set about to go and look for him. At around the same time Americ
finished his morning prayers and tried to heal his companion Nyassor and
discovered to his alarm that the powers granted to him by his Devine lord had
not as he would have expected refreshed after a nights sleep and the proper
meditation and prayer. He would have liked to ask his new companions about this
but seeing as the old dwarf wizard had said he and his friend had no language
in common with them he could not do so.
Besides by the time he had discovered the awful truth the Villagers where in
the middle of breaking camp and every one of the adventuring company seemed to
have gone off about some urgent business or other so all that could be done was
to check Nyassor’s wounds where healing and to leave nature to take its course.
Not that the grim and often silent elf would complain regardless of the
hardship. Americ for the first time, since he arrived in this strange land and
possibly since he had met them on the road to Ebaran regretted the absence of
the annoying halfling wizard
the company had sought Aetlred for some time and asked the guard post if he had
passed that way and where told he had not. Violets and others attempts to track
him failed as his rangers soft soled boots left no track any one could follow
on the hard stone floors. It was noticed during the search that all the body
parts scattered across the dais in the tribute room had rotted away to nothing
and all that remained was a few nails from the dwarven boot.
the end Aetlred reappeared without being found, be with a tale about going and
talking with the wizard he had mentioned in his previous account of what had
happened after he had disappeared. He even had a scroll case as evidence.
Handing this to Heradin, who quickly opened it and found it contained a
solitary spell scroll. As Heradin examined it Aetlred told him rather eagerly
that the wizard wanted him to learn that. Heradin returned a rather typical
skeptical look and decided that he would take a proper look at it latter.
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