
Monday, 25 August 2014

Languages - for Against the Robots

Local languages

The imperial language and the common tongue of the empires subject tribes even where they speak another as a native tongue it is also the only written human language as it is the language of governance and officialdom

The declining language of the region south and west of the gap, not commonly written and if it is it uses an adapted Varazzan script, it is seen as a peasant language as the peoples who spoke it have been long assimilated by the empire.

Also declining it is the language of the tribes in the south central area below the gap it did stretch further west but it has been over run in that part of its range by Jehenghii and by Varazzan as the border wars or of the last centaury drove it back and caused the plantation of Varazzan speakers in military settlements along the border to reinforce it. It is seen as less rustic than Ammrenmd and many in its core area are still bilingual. It did have a written form once but as it was pictograms more like an advanced version of geasee it has been superseded by the more useful Varazzan alphabet and is now extinct

The language of the empires local rivals who are a fierce mountain and woodland people who are themselves seeking to expand and pressing hard against the empires border.

More a family of related languages spoken by the tribes north of the Gap, common versions are Sulimirog and Ulimorg, which are spoken by the tribes who fled the Giants and rebelled against them respectively but every family group on the barrens speaks its own variation and no one knows how may of them there are.

Non human

The only friendly non humans present in the area in any numbers with a distinct language are the hill dwarves who have there own spoken and written tongue but as is the custom of their kind keeps this very much to themselves with all discourse with others being conducted in the languages of those others.

The half giants
Tend to speak the tongue of their masters either the Varazzans or the giants or a dialect of Kethian

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