Ethnicities in the
Averagely built humans with dark
hair and pale eyes rare this far west and outside the larger cities they
resemble our worlds Japanese physically in many but have round eyes ways but are not shorter than surrounding people in the way the medieval
Japanese where. There culture is old sophisticated and mostly a maritime based
mercantile one. The imperial phase they are currently in started with them
expanding on a trade basis into the lands of the failing Arran Empire some five
to six century’s before and they prefer to expand by trade and assimilation
than conquest. However those who dismiss them as a nation of shopkeepers should
be aware that they are more than able to fight when required.
Are almost completely Varazzan in
culture these days with the odd remnant of the culture they had prior to
conquest and assimilation being found in rustic backwaters. They are physically
of average size for humans and generally of a European appearance though both
ginger hair and blonde are quite rare and due to long contact with the
Varazzans long dark or black hair is common in the larger towns.
Still have a distinct culture
which makes them different from both the Varazzans and there neighbours are a
vigorous people taller than the average human by a good couple of inches but
noticeably slimmer. They are mostly farmers and even those that live in the
cities the Varazzan’s built tend to follow the agricultural calendar rather
than the Varazzan one which is more commercial and perhaps maritime. In general
appearance they are a lot like their Ammrenmd neighbours except that straight
hair is unknown and many have African type hair, and adopt similar practices of
oiling and braiding it though they are much more likely to be either blondes or
redheads as those with darker hair tend to have more Eurasian type hair. They
are strongly religious and worship various agricultural deities as well as the
Bright One a cult they seem to have adopted form the Dwarves with whom they
have been in long contact. It is from them that the local nobility even those
of Varazzan descent adopted the practice of a married couple holding the title
between them
They came from the west out of
the dense temperate jungles beyond the Solmari lands, seemingly absorbing
displacing bands of primitive forest hunter gatherers as they did so. A fierce
warrior culture which considers trade beneath it and the province of slaves,
they warred with the west most Solmari tribes and drove them out before being
stopped by an alliance of Solmari and the dwarves. After the Varazzans came and
began to dominate the Solmari lands and press on into those they considered
theirs they chanced there arm again against the week easterners and learned to their cost that they where not so
The tribes who live north of the
gap and which are actually a mixture of related groups of varying size ranging
from small family groups of hunter gatherers eking a living on the barrens, to
the larger tribes around the south and west edges of the region where some
agriculture is possible an where game is to be had all be it very little
especially by the standards of the more fertile and warmer lands south of the
gap. All are small slightly built compared to the peoples from the south of the
gap universally blue eyed blonde and very fair skinned. They are a Stone Age
culture with a strong fear of technology especially worked metals and a complex
web of taboos particularly about certain mounds mostly in the barrens which
they hold to hold evil spirits. They have little fear oddly enough of magic but
being an illiterate culture arcane magic is limited to what can be thought by
rote and there religion is based around nature spirits the most powerful of
which the Elk and the Eagle have something like an over arching inter group
organization. As with arcane magic the priests of the Elk and the Eagle are
limited as all knowledge has to be transmitted orally and learned by rote.
There are similarities between these people’s cultures and those of the Laps
and Siberians for the larger groups and of the precontact Inuit for the smaller
ones on the barrens.
Other human ethnicities
The Varazzan Empire is as is
typical of ancient and medieval empires a multi ethnic entity so pretty much
every imaginable human appearance and culture can be found with in its broad
boarders or with in those of the similar empires who are its neighbours to the
south and south west, it is just that by the time you get to the empires north
west corner there are very few of them to be seen on the street, sufficiently
so as to draw curious stares and the interest of small children. The Varazzan’s
are not how ever racist on the whole and have a pragmatic all encompassing
attitude to foreigners whilst still considering being Varazzan to be the height
of human achievement.
Non Humans
Mountain folk with a large mostly
subterranean kingdom under the barrier peaks to the east of the gap. Who have
been stanch allies of the Varazzans since they met as both seem to be
mercantile peoples
Half giants
Massive hulking folk who where
the foot soldiers for the giants in the war thirty years ago but who had not
been heard of at all before, unlike the giants themselves who feature commonly
in Kethian folk lore as evil antagonists. They appeared to have dwelt with the
giants and in the lands immediately south of the northern mountain range where
the giants originate. Those who now dwell in the south are the survivors of an
uprising provoked by Gialia silver tongue of Vania’s old band and their
descendants. They tend to live either in
small communities and farm or work as labour for humans especially around
Zebregan where there massive strength and hardiness lead to a reopening of the
mines as they could prize more metal form the load than humans even if the mine
tunnels needed to be widened in most cases tom let them in
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