
Sunday 21 September 2014

An Epic tale form another part of Tellene II

The Story Continues

Time for Plan B
Ngithol stared at the dark hole in the ground and felt nothing but loss, a veritable void inside her where once she had felt so alive. She felt this void and genuinely mourned the loss she had suffered. Not the loss of the hippie half elf, who looked as lifely as a potato. Nor was it for the loss of the farmer's child, a child she was certain was already dead. Instead she keenly felt the loss of what she had once been.

It had been a while since she felt this way, having learned long ago that dwelling on such thoughts was unproductive. But she couldn't help but reflect upon there having been more kobolds than she thought there would've been and that if she were at her peak and not the wretched shell she is now they'd have all been chaff upon the wind. Their arms deflected by her platemail and their screams as she cleaved them apart with a blade that had slain countless others.

Instead all she could do was ignore the pain she felt throughout her entire body and resort to the universal 'backup plan' many of her clan had relied upon in time's of darkness. Burn Everything. She looked to the pile of flammable material she had gathered rapidly while the others finished getting out of the tunnel and threw some down into the tunnel before readying her flint. She hoped that if the fire didn't kill the kobolds it would at least by them time to seal the hole by burning the barn down.

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