Map of the isle |
Note the map is now some what out of date but it does give the lie of the land which the company covered during the second half of the session
- The company having split the group lead by Coradwin
proceeded around the lake with all their worldly goods
- Arriving at the town which Coradwin in his plans already
saw as his capital they found it apparently deserted as it had been when
they had first visited on the way north to deal with the swamp and
ultimately the bandits at the fort
- The company investigated the inn first as they
intended to use it as a base of operations. The inn was found to be good
order but locked and completely empty.
- Sensing something very WRONG about the whole place
the company stowed its stuff in the inn and decided to systematically
search the town form end to end
- There was once again no sign of any recent
occupation beyond the odd cold meal but the beds where made the fires laid
and the place like the inn was in immaculate order just there where no
people or that much trace of people. More over there where no insects no
flies around the occasional bowl of cols stew
- All of this freaked the Company out and it was
decided to move on else where
- After repacking all the carts and pack horses they
choose to move to a little lake side town or village they knew only from
the map in the bandit’s fort.
- Arriving there this was found to be a native
Dedji/Svimohzian style lake dwelling.
- However it quickly became apparent that some evil
had befallen here as well as on entering the town the smell of death and
rotting fish was in the air and after the briefest investigation it became
apparent that the occupants of this town had been murdered mostly in their
sleep and possibly by supernatural means,
- Every hut was full of corpses and there where
untouched weapons to hand, however there appeared to be no dead children
which was both odd and linked the incident back to whatever was going on
in the mystical swamp to the north.
- Increasingly concerned by this turn of events the
Company decided to make for the port and regroup there
- Coradwin however insisted that they call in at the
little village he had adopted south of the lake which meant that they had
to camp out amongst the wilds.
- The night passed quietly but large creatures where
seen flying over head by at least two of the watches
- Arriving at the village produced more gloom and
despondency as the place had been raided and burned to the ground worse
all the inhabitants had bee horribly and ritually murdered.
- Investigations suggested that the bandits and the
wererat might be responsible and that he might be rather more than just a
bandit who happened to have a form of lycanthropy
- Coradwin insisted they stop and give the murdered villagers
a decent burial and it was whilst doing this that the rest of the party
coming from the port city arrived
- The gnome said something unfortunate as he will and
got punched on the nose by Coradwin who much less than amused.
- Then the company in a grim mood returned to The
port sorted out lodgings and did what they could to investigate what had
gone on.
- They largely drew a blank or produced cryptic
fragments which did not make a whole and various of the company became despondent
as they could see no road ahead.
- However several wanted revenge on the were rat
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