
Monday, 4 August 2014

Strange World of Random Doom Episode Eight Part One

Going after the Ant Problem

Entering the Mine again

      • After some finishing off of the plots and plans implemented whist we where all training up we fell to deciding what to deal with next.
      • Our choices where the Giant red ants in the nearby coal mine which we technically owned but where not in possession of owing to the ants – the ants were encroaching on the house and the hill a scant few miles off was getting bigger suggesting that it was turning into a giant ant heap
      • The other was to return to the Swamp and try to rescue the children we had seen  their
      • We decided that both needed to be done but argued about the order
      • In the end it came down to the Ants being a more immediate threat in both senses of the word so we decided to deal with them first.
      • We had tried this before and got to be frank a bloody nose and had to withdraw, however confident in our new found skills we decided to try again.  
      • Emboldened by meeting no foraging warriors on the approach to the mine we entered it lit lamps and torches and pressed on
      • We did not get as far as last time before Brenin in the lead heard noises ahead, we braced for an attack but had almost no time before a large number of ant warriors fell upon us.
      • It quickly became apparent that we where not going to win a stand up fight with them  especially with our best fighter Brenin flailing about like a rank beginner
      • So we tried to break off but they where far too fast and we where forced into a fighting retreat in which we where rather encumbered by the gnomes short legs, there was some desperate fighting all the way back down the tunnel to the entrance during which Faz lit and hurled his fire bombs doing no damage to the ants, damn gnomish short sightedness, but setting fire to the coal behind them
      • The mine began to fill with acrid smoke
      • In the end the majority of the group made the lift and Max cranked it up whilst Coradwin hacked using his broadsword in wild two handed swings at the encroaching ants aided by the gnome who had run out of fire bombs
      • Brenin had been separated from us and found himself alone on the surface having been driven up the ramp fighting ants he continued tom hack wildly and the ant used him as a gnawing post
      • In the end he was rescued by the rest of us who had come up on the mines lift charging in and then finishing off the lone ant which had come up the mines ramp latter.
      • By this time the mine was billowing acrid smoke out of both the shaft and the drift entrance  And as we where all badly wounded and exhausted and without a cleric we decided to return to the house after Max the uncanny fey had rendered first aid
      • Back at the house it became apparent that there was a risk the whole hill might burn and the fire spread to engulf the house so we loaded up every portable valuable on the few carts we had.
      • In the morning the fire on the hill had got worse and spread such that the hill looked like an erupting volcano and the air around the house was thick with acrid coal smoke.
      • The company split with Faz and Brenin going to town and every one else setting off with the goods to the town north of the lake where it was planed to take over the inn  

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