
Friday, 22 August 2014

Pregenerated Charactors at first level no two the sneak

Sellanirio Dajari
Varazzan human thief

STR 13-34
INT 14-15
WIS 09-09
CON 08-24
DEX 14-04
LKS 07-69
CHA 14-25

A good set which I will not rearrange so 90 build points
I will however spend 24 build points to get the looks to 10/09 as 07-69 is ugly enough to be memorable which not a good thing is for a thief; it also rather damages his very decent Charisma. I did think about fixing the wisdom a bit but its not that bad it’s a major problem and I have found Thieves tend not to get surprised all that much as they are the ones who initiate the action in many cases

Human Thief– costs 20 Build points

So that gives 46 build points to spend before doing priors and particulars and quirks and flaws

Quirks and flaws
321 Foul Mouthed gives five build points

Other priors and particulars
Gender male
Age 18
Height  66”
Bmi 23
Wt 142 lb
Handedness Right

Birth – Legitimate, two loving parents +4 BP
Siblings five youngest of them
Male – dead
Female – live – devoted
Male – live – devoted
Male – dead
Female – dead

Build points 55
Short bow proficiency                           3bp
Knife                                                                free
Dagger                                                             free

Bilingual                                                            5bp
Hiking load marching                                        4bp
Skinning and tanning                                         2bp
Labourer                                                          1bp
Maintenance upkeep                                         5bp                                                                              20
Observation ML1         Roll     1d12-1= 8 so skill = 17                                    4bp
Hiding ML1                  Roll     1d12+2 = 23 so skill =37                                 6bp
Sneaking ML1             Roll      1d12+2 = 6 so skill =20                                   8bp    
Hunting ML1               Roll      1d12-1 = 8 so Skill = 17                                  4bp
Survival ML1               Roll      1d12-1 = 4 so skill =13                                    5bp
Direction sense ML1    Roll      1d12 -1 = 9 so skill = 18                                  2bp
Scrutiny ML1               Roll      1d12+3 = 5 so skill =14                                   4bp
Fire building ML1         Roll      1d12-1 =2 so skill = 11                                    2bp

Free skills as a thief
Hiding              ML1    roll 1d8+2 =3 so skill =40
Sneaking          ML 1   roll 1d12+2=10 so skill = 30
Identify trap      ML 1   roll 1d12-1 =1 so skill = 10
Lock picking    ML1    roll 1d12+2 =5 so skill = 19

Bonus build points
Int -6BP
Ancient History ML1                roll 1d12+2 =13 so skill = 27
Botany ML1                             roll 1d12+2 = 12 so skill =26 
Literacy (Varazzan) ML1          roll 1d12+2 = 11 so skill =25

Wis – are you kidding?

Cha-6 bp
Persuasion ML1                       roll 1d12+2 =12 so skill = 26
Recruiting ML1                        roll 1d12+2 = 12 so skill = 26

Native language Varazzan  37 +14+14 +roll of 18 skill = 83
Native language Kethian  37 +14+14 +roll of 3 skill = 68

Finally Hit points                       roll 3    so hp =21        

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