
Friday, 8 August 2014

Coradwin and Relimir charactor sheets


In the case of Coradwin I have tried this before and the Pdf character sheet did my head as there was too much to fill in even though in some ways, particularly lay out,  its a nicer one than the Spreadsheet based one I use normally that has the benefit of auto filling stuff and being on only two pages. The sheets are for Coradwin at level three and Relemir at level one

is now done but I have not posted it as I may have messed up on his spells need to check them before I do so page one will have to wait

I had messed up with the spells as I had forgotten that Coradwin with his low for a mage intelligence of 13 can only learn three spells per level and  he already knows three Apprentice level ones as you start with two which is where I tripped up - So he can not learn his bet noir the fire finger spell until he raises his intelligence to 16 and can then know four spells per level. it can be done and would be advantageous in other ways but would cost him most of his build points for 3-4 levels to do.

Here is Page 1

Here is page 2

took some time, much more than I had intended  but I finally got down and did it

Here is Page 1

Here is Page 2

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