The account is now live and I am going to say
very little more about it, I do know such adverts irritate some folks but I
have tried to keep them from unduly impacting the look and feel of the blog
however in the final analysis please remember its for the animals
not me and even the evil ones, like Dexter the Psycho attack goose are so
cute really
Blog changes
The main change I am trying to implement is to
make the Pages Menu more readable and it very much looks like I am going to
have to brush up my HTML to do so. I want a parchment scroll image to appear
behind it ideally or at the very least a panel with better contrast with the
text than the map which is in the background of the blog.
I know I could get rid of the Map but I rather
like it and don't really want to do that and a solid plain background for the
whole page is rather boring in my opinion and as its my blog that what matters.
Not that I will not take reader feed back on board, its just that I haven't had
any and I am the one lumbered with the final decision.
now back to the gaming content
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