
Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Minor players

NPC protoges

These are minor characters who are or who are avalible to adventure with the Company. They are presented in a little more detail than the NPC's

Sondan - the crossbowman
The sort of man you want by your side in a crisis calm unflappable soldierly, trained from an early age by one of the small mercenary companies which operator in the lawless lands  along the northern Cosolan border. he came south when he began to become uncomfortable with the sort of jobs the Mercenary companies newest proprietor was getting them and was until recently hoping to become a caravan guard.

Dvorn the Axe
Every thing Dvorn will tell you about his background is a tissue of lies, the truth being that he was a foundling raised in an orphanage not far form Cosolan. However he will tell you that he is the natural son of the captain of the Kalamarian emperors personal foloki guards and a Cosolan princess and he will frequently brag of doing the deeds of others and be the first to propose a fight as the way to solve a problem. he is however less than brave and likely to be the first to break the line and run when the battle turns against his side.

Fawlit the Half Ork
Portrays the savage half ork barbarian and often shouts abuse in orkish, but is in truth not being the result of a scheme to breed "tame orks" for the pit fighting circuit in Northern Cosdol. He escaped due to his keepers getting drunk as the result of celebration a good win and fled south to escape them.

Here he found a cold welcome and being despite appearances a sensitive soul turned to drink to ease the pain and to doing the jobs no one wanted to do to pay for that drink. All he wants is a company of comrades who will stand with him and not hold his birth against him.

Liamar- priest of the free
A charming young man from the eastern borders of Kalamar only & much loved son of a poor shoe maker who was apprenticed to a wizard as he was a bright lad, but when he proved to have no talent for magic at all the Wizard who wanted an apprentice more than a servant, grew angry and sold him into slavery to recover the cost of keeping the useless bugger.

He was rescued by being bought at auction by the previous champion of the free using false coin. The former champion found the personable young lad a foster home in the Hidden Dell where he has lived ever since slowly training as a priest of the free but afflicted badly by migraines bought about by his former master trying to force him to learn arcane magic, he is a little paranoid about these migraines and engages in a number of elaborate yet ineffective rituals to ward them off.

Cogs & gears note
All these characters and others where generated as standard player characters by the Games Master as part of his learning who the character creation rules work and started off as first level characters. They get experience when with the Player characters and the three fighters have just hit second level as the player characters hit third.  They also give the players a bit more to keep them involved when their character might not be and form a pool of replacements for party deaths as well as allowing drop in gaming by the less dedicated)

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