Episode VIII – The War Begins in earnest
Telec - Kalamarian
Human Priest of the Wanderer
Aetlred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Aetlred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Thans – Dwarf Fghter Thief
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter Mage
Heradin- Dwarf Fighter Mage
the Axe- Folokkii Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Nyasse - a wounded human
Violet - The Half Demon Paladin of the Free
Violet - The Half Demon Paladin of the Free
The woods and hills to the north of the village of Hidden Dell and
in the caves and encampment of the goblin raiders
The episode
begins where the other left off with the company hidden by the edge of the
forest observing the goblins camp and planning what they should do next
Shortly Lalia, Aetlred and violet go off scouting. Lalia disappears into the woodlands not to be seen for some while and Aetlred with Violet screening him scout the lay out of the clearing for the best angle off attack. Whilst every one else remained concealed by the tree line and the dense underbrush under it.
Shortly Lalia, Aetlred and violet go off scouting. Lalia disappears into the woodlands not to be seen for some while and Aetlred with Violet screening him scout the lay out of the clearing for the best angle off attack. Whilst every one else remained concealed by the tree line and the dense underbrush under it.
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Violets sketch of the Goblin Camp |
Crouched in
cover and awaiting the return of the scouts the rest of the company watched the
clearing ahead intently. At the back of the clearing was a steep slope with
scree and lose rocks obvious between the grass and scattered brambles and gorse
bushes on top of that slope was a wooded ridge. The face of the slope was
marked with three caves making the appearance of a lopsided face the largest of
the caves was at ground level and from it issued a broad muddy path edged with
trampled grass which seemed to be the end of the track that the goblin raiders
had made form the village of Hidden Dell even if the amount of mud and
trampling suggested that it had more use here than most of the rest of the
way to the right of that broad path was
the smaller of the two stockades both constructed from rough posts driven into
the ground and reinforced by a haphazard weaving of brush and thinner branches
through them. The result looked very primitive and rather crude but the
fighters in the company had no doubt as to the effectiveness of it as a
barrier. Behind the smaller stockade was some sort of shed but it was hard to
see as it was largely obscured by the stockade in front of it. To the eastern
side of this stockade was a tall post seemingly made from a pollarded tree topped by an inverted cone made of a basket work of thin branches. The stockade
on the west was similar but significantly larger and perhaps newer as the
interwoven branches still sported the occasional green leaf. Either side of this was two structures similar
to the one on the eastern stockade differing only in that these where not built
round a tree but around sturdy rough hewn posts.
The pair first
scouted to the east and considered making their move from that side but decided
to scout the around the other side as Aetlred was concerned about the company
having to cross a wide area of relatively open ground on his side where the
trees and underbrush had been cleared. Likely to build the two stockades and
the shed they could see in the clearing and all the long grass like that in
which they where now hiding trampled down. It was also not clear quite what the
posts where for. So the two moved to the west where it quickly became apparent
that the larger western stockaded coral contained all of the animals looted
form the Hidden Dell and those they where all cramped together, untended and
stinking, with the cows in milk in some considerable distress as it was clear
they had not been milked since before the raid. It was some what worrying that
no goblins had been seen about so far and that for all they peered into them
the stockades and the odd structures atop posts which might have been hiding them
neither Aetlred nor Violets practised eye could spot anything hidden.
With that the
two scouts returned to where the company was hidden and there was a discussion
as to what to do. Telec a man of wide travels noted that the structures on top
of posts resembled those used by hobgoblins as raised watch points and the
goblins being kin might use similar. He also said that many human cultures used
the same sort of structure to build beacons and that they could therefore be
either. In the end it was decided to strike form the west as it was upwind of
the trapped live stock and they where less likely to smell humans and sensing
relief from their distress give the game away. The company moved round to the
west well inside the tree line crossing the shallow beck out of sight and sound
of any watching goblins and finally as before halting on the edge of the trees
Once again
Aetlred and Violet went forward moving through the sheltering long grass with
ease before they finally spotted a solitary goblin in the crude basket work of
branches atop the furthest western post. Both Aetlred and Violet drew their
bows and loosed. Both missed and readied their bows again hoping that the
goblin watchman did not notice his lucky escape he did not. They both drew and
loosed again Violet missed driving an arrow into the post below the basket,
Aetlred struck home but not at all hard as the arrow was slowed passing trough
the woven screening twigs and almost stopped by the layers of fetid furs that
the goblin guard used as armour. The goblin could not fail to notice this and
readied his own bow whilst scanning the ground before him for the archers he
knew where there but could not see. Aetlred moved closer for a better shot and
the goblin saw the grass move and still not seeing a target dropped his bow and
blew his signal horn.
Violet signalled
the retreat and she and Aetlred made for the relative safety of the trees edge
whilst the goblin camp roused behind them and most woringly the air was rent
with further more distant horn calls and the barking of large dogs which grow
lest distant by the moment. At the woods
edge Violet took charge sending the company west whilst she took off at a
loping run to the south. The company fled with as much stealth as they could
muster at speed fording the beck well inside the woods and then following it as
it wound its way north and west to where it issued from the scarp. There they
halted and considered entering the narrow cave but eventually dwarven wisdom
about water and caves being a poor mix prevailed. All the while they listened
out for sounds of a pursuit closing in but it would seen that whatever Violet
had planed had worked at least that well
it kept the goblins and their massive ravening hounds of the companies
As they where
discussing the merits of going into the cave it came to Than’s that the ridge
above them was the continuation of the one in which the abandoned dwarf test
mine had been dug from which he had cleared those goblin bandits from the
previous spring More relaxed the company decided to return to the goblin camp
along the wooded ridge line which they do relatively easily being sure that the
goblins are not guarding this angle of approach It is still getting late by the time the
company arrive in a position above the goblin camp. Further discussion occurs
as to weather they should strike at the goblins or wait to see if Violet
returns. Now confident the company decides to press on. Sending Thans down to
the east most or upper cave as it’s the only one that the companies one hundred
feet of rope will reach and the slope is far too steep and covered with lose
stones to be scrabbled down safely without the aid of a rope. Thans is very
careful to make sure that the only other dwarf in the group is in charge of the
rope. At the cave Thans discovers a narrow shelf off rock forming a sort of an
apron outside the cave little more than five feet at it’s widest and that the
cave entrance is blocked by a lattice of interlaced branches. Thans signals and
Fawlit the half ork is sent down as he is best able to clear this obstacle with
his bestial strength.
Thans's Map of the Upper Eye |
Thans crouched
in the entrance to the cave looking into the darkness as Fawlit descended the
rope he could see nothing in the dark of the cave, beyond the grill, even with
his superior dwarven vision, consoling himself that this meant there was no one
there he waited and in due course the half ork reached the apron in front of
the grill. Fawlit placed the shaft of the axe beaten his teeth as a dwarf might
a knife and griping the wooden grill tore it asunder and rolled through the
gap. There was a silence a distinctly
goblin squawk of alarm and three goblins charged into view. Thans drew his
daggers they where only goblins and he was sure he could take three with ease
after last spring. It did not alarm him therefore when Fawlit appeared stunned
until after the first arriving goblin tried to knife him. Thans duelled with
two goblins matching their petty knife strikes with his mighty blows. Then the
Half ork gained his wits and bringing his shield into play moved to attack his
axe sending his opponent sprawling before he turned on the two fighting Thans
distracting them and allowing Thans to disengage and move to strike form
behind. He wounded both goblins before Fawlit finished one off and the second
stated to back off realising it was going to die otherwise. Unfortunately
neither of them noticed the goblin Fawlit had sent sprawling recover and
scamper off as they drove his comrade back and slew him amidst the bedding in
which he and his allies had been skulking.
The fight over
the rest of the company climbed down the rope and took stock, Aetlred managed
to find the goblins solitary bow before Fawlit a well known hatter of missile
arms did and then he fell to tending the minor scratches the goblins had
managed to deal out. Thans searched the bedding and the corpses recovered the
goblins small stash of copper and bronze trade coins. Before examining the low
passage the escapee had used and declaring that it was dug and badly not a
natural cave.
Outside the
company noticed that the pursuit group had returned with empty saddles and some
hunting dogs missing, others limping and it would seem Violet had pulled
something and that the goblins had had the worst of it
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