
Tuesday, 21 January 2014

An outsider’s tale Part II

It all went a bit wrong not that Violet did not expect it to all conflict is by nature chaotic and one should always be prepared to cope with set backs. Violet signalled the company to go west and was rather pleased when they did as she really did not want to risk a stand up fight in an open field which would allow the goblins the advantage of numbers which they had in spades she had no doubt. She broke cover and ran out of range of the dog mounted archers but so they would see her easily and ran as fast as she could towards the southern woods edge. Here seeing Nyasse still holding onto the horse she sent her back to the Hidden Hell. Having most of ones wards kidnapped was only going to be made worse by having another killed. Violet concentration as she had on the campaign against the slavers of Kalamaria and the east had forgotten or to be kinder to herself taken her eye off the general dangers of living on the edge of the wilderness.

The goblins would have to be dealt  with severely  and something more would have to be done to protect the Hidden Hell There would have to be a militia or something organised and perhaps the Hidden Dell would have to cease to be quite so hidden after all its secrecy had not protected it form this danger. That however was for the future for now the goblins needed to be lead away to give the others a chance of coming up with a opportunity to strike  perhaps form an unexpected angle Violet wished them well and fell to leading the goblins to their doom.

Her options where limited the goblins knew about the spider woods she guessed and they are lazy creatures so leading them a long way was out of the question, they would just give up and go home tired but un punished  if she tried that. Then it came to her and her course changed to the west into a part of the woods she had only been to once and which the previous champion had described as a very bad place indeed.
Violet ran showing herself often enough to encourage the goblin pursuit to continues when her hunters sense told her that the wicked creatures might be losing interest.  They loosed the odd arrow at long range but none struck home. Even so after less than three hours chase the creatures began to lose interest and Violet was forced to ambush them well short of her objective and they fled faster than she could give chase after her arrows emptied a couple of saddles and took down one of the dogs. She sensed that the dog pack would have continued but the goblins had no heart for it and she had used up all her meagre supply of arrows so she turned back to the Hidden dell to pick up more form her cache.

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