
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Story So Far Part four

Episode VI a Rude Awakening & what followed

Dramatis Personae
Telec - Kalamarian Human Priest of the Wanderer
Aetlred - Half Elf Ranger
Lalia - Halfling Thief
Heradin- Dwarf fighter mage
Dvorn the Axe- Folokkii Human Fighter
Sondan – Brandobian, Human Fighter
Fawlit – Half Ork Fighter
Nyasse - a wounded human girl

A’Rakham Manor the woods to the north, the Hidden Dell & the deeper woods to the north of that over the course of a day

(The Action continued from where the last session ended).
Heradin and Aetlred carried the semi conscious girl into the common room of the inn where he shouted orders at random to the considerable crowd of residents and inn servants who had gathered in the room to see what all the noise and activity was about if nothing else. Telec hovered very aware that he had used his one healing spell the previous morning and having just been raised from sleep and had not had time to meditate and pray to regain it. After the events previous day Lalia sleeping under her bed, woke rolled over and went back to sleep in preparation for a really early and likely breakfast less start 

Even thought every one was ignoring Aeltred’s orders a pair of tables where dragged together for use as an examination table and with the girl laid on it Aetlred fell to investigating the girls wounds. He found only one more serious than the many minor scratches she had got form her precipitous gallop through the woods. She had an arrow through her left thigh which had entered from the outside about in the middle, missed the bone and whose head was partly protruding through the skin on the inside of it not far above the knee. The arrow was broken off with about a hand span of shaft still present.  Convinced that the arrow was barbed and needed to come out the way it had entered Aetlred griped the shaft sadly twisting it a little in the wound before pulling it free the girl passed out completely and the wound began to gush blood the arrow thought of an unusual sort was not barbed just very sharp and near Aeltred’s hand almost burning hot. He passed the remains of the arrow to Heradin so he could deal with the bleeding he strove to do that for just long enough to realise that the wound was beyond first aid and the girl would surely bleed out without healing magic Aetlred realising ha had messed up cast his eyes first at Telic and then to the crowd in rising panic.  Eventually or so it seemed the local priest of life’s fire the brewer Jarem Kalvir from the village of Ettis wall made his presence known and used his healing magic to stop the bleed. He then had something of a row with Aetlred which would have come to blows had not Telec intervened to break it up. Having been healed even slightly the wounded girl began to rouse.

Mean while Heradin cast a practiced eye over the strange arrow head, it was dwarf work he realised and very fine, marked with a maker mark which resembled the dwarf runes for A&D in some sort of a monogram. He thought the head was possibly at least enchanted with a minor spell to resist corrosion, but couldn’t be sure as it was very fine work and may have been in a special alloy which served the same purpose. Unlike Aetlred he handled the arrow head and felt no heat form it at all.

Regaining consciousness the wounded girl revealed her name as Nyasse and told her tale, with a story tellers practiced tongue. The Girl was from a small village to the north no one at the inn had heard of she called the Hidden Dell and that she had come seeking help when the village was attacked by goblins. She had been in the village stables when the attack happened and immediately taken one of the villages few ridding horses and set off south. She had been chased by Goblins riding great dogs and in the chase she was wounded but even so remained on her horse and evaded the pursuit.

She said that she wanted to raise a company to go back to the village and drive off the Goblins and rescue her friends and family. There was some enthusiasm for this and some of the assembled company went off to don their armour and fetch their arms. Heradin was one of these returning to his quarters in the stables to fetch his sword. The only problem was that the girl insisted that she had to accompany the company despite an arrow wound which made it near impossible for her to walk. Several people including Aetlred and Telec tried to dissuade her unsuccessfully but she said no one would find the hidden dell without a guide who had lived there. During this conversation Aetlred not the best at social discourse left to get his gear form the Foreigners house. Just as he reached the back door the pursuing goblins caught up with Nyasse. Saw the Half elf alone in the yard drew their short bows and loosed all as a volley. Fortunately it was dark the goblins where poor shots tired form the long chase and most of the arrows missed, or just clipped the ranger none the less Aetlred was bleeding from at least two wounds when he stopped to catch his breath inside the door

Fortunately the rangers’ cry of GOBLINS! had woken the half ork warrior Fawlit who grabbed his trusty axes and charged past Aetlred who was crouched inside the shelter of the wall assessing the damage, screaming the vilest curses in orkish he knew, the goblins shot again but to little effect and spooked by the Half Ork’s wild charge and the number of armed individuals now issuing from the inn decided to abandon the pursuit and turned their mounts north and galloped off into the pre dawn gloom.

Realising this Aetlred left the Foreigners house and to the sound of Fawlit’s continued cursing at the backs of the fleeing Goblins and the milling crowd of armed folk outside the inn proper. He recovered what arrows he could from the goblins volleys at him and Fawlit. Aetlred was particularly pained to se Fawlit destroy a perfectly good arrow as part of his demonstration that the goblins where all cowards and used children’s weapons cowards weapons and should have come and fought him blade to blade. rant which became a tirade and which lurched from Orkish to Kalamarian and back with the curse words of a number of other languages thrown in. Recovering the arrows he could before Fawlit destroyed those as well Aetlred found another which radiated a fierce heat when his hand was near to the head.

Some time around this time Lalia who had been awakened by the commotion earlier but had taken no part not knowing if any one other than Aetlred had seen what had actually happened in the common room last night slipped out of one of the dormitory windows and took up a vantage point in the shrubs just beyond the inn yard but where she could still hear and see what was going on.

Mean while Aetlred called Telec and Heradin over to look at the second strange arrow. Telec could discern little of it’s of its origin or purpose but whist Heradin was examining it the penny dropped it was a bane arrow & its behaviour around Aetlred meant that it must be an elf bane arrow Aetlred winced at the thought and Heradin wondered why a dwarf would go to the trouble of making elf bane arrows when there where greater banes to dwarf kind than elves.

There was some chaos after the departure of the Goblin dog riders but eventually as dawn began to break order coalesced out of it, especially when Maragamir the innkeeper at A’Rakham Manor and the self appointed lord of that manor offered ten gold coins to every one who would avenge this outrage. The only problem was posed because Nyasse insisted that she had to come with the company as without her as a guide they would never be able to find her home village of The Hidden Dell, she would not explain herself further and in truth even though the master brewers healing magic had stopped the bleeding from her leg wound she could barely put weight on it to walk around the yard let alone take part in a cross country march. None the less she was insistent and Maragamir ordered the inn servants to lend her come travelling clothes and help her get ready. Giving in the inevitable and recognising an almost dwarf like stubborn courage Heradin suggested that she ride and with assistance she remounted her horse.  So when the company left at around mid morning she rode along with them retracing her wild ride of the previous night.

Aetlred found the fleeing goblins tracks and the company followed them until they became lost in the increasingly dense under growth of the thickening woods to the north of the inn after that he found the track of Nyasse’s horse and the track of a galloping shod horse proved easier to follow than the soft paws of the goblin’s riding dogs. As the company pushed its way through the undergrowth and wound between trees Aetlred became concerned that the company where being followed and leaving Telec to follow the easier trail he circled back searching but found nothing, even though he was certain they where being followed.

When the company had left Lalia had followed after them stealthily finding that their need to stop and search for tracks and the dense undergrowth she with her small stature and slight build could slip through slowed the big folk more. When Aetlred sensed with rangers field cunning her following, she played him at his own game and evaded him as a ghost might on a dark night without losing track of the company she had no intention of showing herself to any one in the company until she had discovered that it was safe to do so and none present save Aetlred knew what she had been up to and how the man at arms came to be stabbed the previous night.

By the middle of the afternoon the company had arrived at the edge of a deep dell in which sheltered a small village of half a dozen log cabins in the style of the Fillokki some small fields and a scatter of smaller buildings all seemed to have been fired but beyond the roves collapsing the thick log walls where intact and wood smoke drifted over the scene. The company initially halted at the lip of the dell whilst Aetlred and his ghostly follower Lalia scouted the settlement quickly finding that it had been toughly looted then burned. There was no sign of any of the inhabitants thought there were very many goblin tracks and large dog racks it became apparent that the goblins possibly as many as fifty with a couple of dozen dogs had gathered all the villagers and live stock together and marched them off to the north under escort before firing every thing they left behind.

At Nyasse’s insistence the company who where ready to press on north tarried long enough to investigate the village bolt hole a hidden cellar strangely decorated with broken chains a shrine Nyasse said but she used a name of the god which no one in the company would recognise. She also recovered a number of small flasks whilst she was in the shrine and none but Lalia saw her drink one.

The company then headed due north through the even thicker woods following the wide trail the goblins and their captives had blazed.

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