
Saturday, 14 December 2013

The Outsiders tale or what Violet did before....

An outsider’s tale Part I

Violet had led her small band of refugees across the high pass just as soon as it was passable in the spring, but the journey had been hard even so from their winter camp.  Especially as they had been short on supplies all winter after the pursuit almost caught up with them and they had lost a significant amount of them throwing off the chase. The pass itself was no longer as safe as it had been. There had been an encounter with a band of Orks who could not be persuaded to leave them be even after She had slain their leader in the single combat they had demanded they still attacked and she and Perkal killed several more orks before the point was made.

Then two nights after they had slain her companion Perkal whilst he was on watch hacking his head off before she reached him. Several more orks died on her blade and the young Filloki priest was avenged more perished when they learned that her night sight and archery skill was better than theirs.  The refugees had liked Perkal and where more distant with him dead and they argued about how he should be buried and not left to the carrion animals on the high pass as was the custom of his folk and by the time Violet had arrived at the cache by the water caves in the foot hills which she and Perkal had made the year before she was glad to leave them as they needed her no more being free from the slavery in which they had been held on the other side of the peaks until last summer. Violet headed back to the Hidden Dell to tell Perkal's father that his son who he had never quite approved of for following the priestly path had died like a warrior eye to eye with his foe and his sword hilt deep in the guts of the ork that killed him.

In this grim mood Violet unslung her bow and strung it and decided to take a short cut through the Spider wood just in case she had been followed, after all a little paranoia was a survival skill.    

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