An interlude for two characters - which takes place whilst episode IV above is occurring
Dramatis Personae
Nameless Elven Mage
Melias B’Paran Human Mage-Thief
Melacs farm – on the eastern border of kingdom of Cosdol, The king’s road east into the kingdom of P’Bapara and A’Rakham Manor over the course of a day.
Melias argued with the stupid farmer about his appalling lack of basic hospitality and so had decided to press on to find a proper inn in the following morning as having to sleep in a rat infested barn was really too much and he was defiantly not doing it twice. The Elf remained taciturn but left with him as he had no reason to stay. They marched till mid morning the Elven mage lost in arcane thoughts and Melias continued to mumble about the in hospitality of farmers here about.
They arrived at the Inn at A’Rakham manor just after lunch here Melias complained about the price of the food the price of the rooms three silvers really that was utterly exorbitant and the mage was mildly affronted by being told he had to sleep in the foreigners’ house with a stinking half ork drunk, he was an elf of
good lineage and not to be bundled together with a misbegotten half ork. Nameless did not argue what was the point of doing it with ephemeral folk and Melias was able to argue more than adequately. They ate a plate of stew which
Melias complained lacked meat and drank a cup of small beer before taking to the road again. Having been told by a surly dwarf that there was free lodging to be had at the Wayfarer’s temple at the stone bridge yonder. They marched till night fall when they camped in as Melias put it a ditch as the surly dwarf had lied to them about how far the Wayfarers’ temple was form the inn. Only arriving at the temple around mid day the following day. Nameless found the whole affair a mild amusement even if it did distract him from his higher
urpose some what.
An interlude for two characters - which takes place whilst episode V & VI above
are occurring
Nameless Elven Mage
Melias B’Paran Human Mage-Thief
The temple of the Wayfarer at Falax bridge and latter the trail north along the Falax river to the sages tower.
Having arrived there about mid afternoon and taken a late mid day meal curtsy of the temple Melias balked at being asked to pay a voluntary tithe to the temple and handed over a mere couple of trade coins before going off to his room frankly to sulk as Nameless had paid almost cheerfully an was now engaged in deep conversation with a human mage who had been injured crossing the pass from P’Bapara last autumn. Apparently the caravan that he was travelling with had been escorted by a company of Hobgoblin mercenaries lead by a half hobgoblin of particularly cruel mien called the mage said Velikas. The caravan had been attacked by giants, hurling rocks from the heights and had only escaped by leaving most of it’s injured behind in their stone crushed wagons. The Mage had only made it because he had been on a wagon which was only clipped by stone fragments and Velikas threw him off the caravan just as soon as it became apparent that he was injured. Fortunately that did not happen until the remains of the caravan arrived at Falax Bridge.
The Mage a Kalamarian called Emeric feels bad about having left the wounded in the pass and said he would have intervened had he not been wounded. and its too late now to go and rescue any one as that all happened late last autumn. Emericis turns out came across the mountains with a few companions all sadly in the wagon behind which took several direct hits, in quest of a lost library of magical lore attributed to the legendary arch mage Aldor or Adroius which is supposed to be at his tower some where in the mountains on this side of the Laggossa pass. Emeric who has, thanks to the priest of the wayfarer here, recovered form his injuries is rather keen to find new companions and to continue his quest. He has little evidence for the location of the fabled horde of magical lore but he is a friendly chap and shows Nameless what he has before the
discussion meanders off as discussions between mages do meanders off into more general magical lore and related matters continuing late into the night.
It should be noted here that Nameless is not aware of any such human arch magus dwelling or having ever dwelt on this side of the Laggosa peaks and thought he is not a sage of such things the memory of even a youthful elf stretches back more than a human life time and the lore of his people back to the dawn of time. None the less the human mage seems honest and the evidence he shared if very sketchy seemed to be genuine.
In the morning over breakfast the discussion continued for where it had left off ast night. With Melias who was mildly annoyed at being excluded from the onversation before as he has his one interest in magical lore joining in. The discussions also drew in another traveller with an interest in the arcane who introduced herself as Keras Ashwyn a ranger who said she was on the way to see the sage not far to the north. This lead to a discussion about the possibility of the sage having more information on the lost library of the arch mage which Emeric was looking for and the company having formed and breakfasted enquired of the temple guards of the route to the mages tower and being advised that it was a hard route which would take them the better part of the day. They set off for the sages tower guided by the ranger who whilst not local was experienced at such things.
A hard day’s travel found them approaching the sage’s tower.
Dramatis Personae
Nameless Elven Mage
Melias B’Paran Human Mage-Thief
Melacs farm – on the eastern border of kingdom of Cosdol, The king’s road east into the kingdom of P’Bapara and A’Rakham Manor over the course of a day.
Melias argued with the stupid farmer about his appalling lack of basic hospitality and so had decided to press on to find a proper inn in the following morning as having to sleep in a rat infested barn was really too much and he was defiantly not doing it twice. The Elf remained taciturn but left with him as he had no reason to stay. They marched till mid morning the Elven mage lost in arcane thoughts and Melias continued to mumble about the in hospitality of farmers here about.
They arrived at the Inn at A’Rakham manor just after lunch here Melias complained about the price of the food the price of the rooms three silvers really that was utterly exorbitant and the mage was mildly affronted by being told he had to sleep in the foreigners’ house with a stinking half ork drunk, he was an elf of
good lineage and not to be bundled together with a misbegotten half ork. Nameless did not argue what was the point of doing it with ephemeral folk and Melias was able to argue more than adequately. They ate a plate of stew which
Melias complained lacked meat and drank a cup of small beer before taking to the road again. Having been told by a surly dwarf that there was free lodging to be had at the Wayfarer’s temple at the stone bridge yonder. They marched till night fall when they camped in as Melias put it a ditch as the surly dwarf had lied to them about how far the Wayfarers’ temple was form the inn. Only arriving at the temple around mid day the following day. Nameless found the whole affair a mild amusement even if it did distract him from his higher
urpose some what.
An interlude for two characters - which takes place whilst episode V & VI above
are occurring
Nameless Elven Mage
Melias B’Paran Human Mage-Thief
The temple of the Wayfarer at Falax bridge and latter the trail north along the Falax river to the sages tower.
Having arrived there about mid afternoon and taken a late mid day meal curtsy of the temple Melias balked at being asked to pay a voluntary tithe to the temple and handed over a mere couple of trade coins before going off to his room frankly to sulk as Nameless had paid almost cheerfully an was now engaged in deep conversation with a human mage who had been injured crossing the pass from P’Bapara last autumn. Apparently the caravan that he was travelling with had been escorted by a company of Hobgoblin mercenaries lead by a half hobgoblin of particularly cruel mien called the mage said Velikas. The caravan had been attacked by giants, hurling rocks from the heights and had only escaped by leaving most of it’s injured behind in their stone crushed wagons. The Mage had only made it because he had been on a wagon which was only clipped by stone fragments and Velikas threw him off the caravan just as soon as it became apparent that he was injured. Fortunately that did not happen until the remains of the caravan arrived at Falax Bridge.
The Mage a Kalamarian called Emeric feels bad about having left the wounded in the pass and said he would have intervened had he not been wounded. and its too late now to go and rescue any one as that all happened late last autumn. Emericis turns out came across the mountains with a few companions all sadly in the wagon behind which took several direct hits, in quest of a lost library of magical lore attributed to the legendary arch mage Aldor or Adroius which is supposed to be at his tower some where in the mountains on this side of the Laggossa pass. Emeric who has, thanks to the priest of the wayfarer here, recovered form his injuries is rather keen to find new companions and to continue his quest. He has little evidence for the location of the fabled horde of magical lore but he is a friendly chap and shows Nameless what he has before the
discussion meanders off as discussions between mages do meanders off into more general magical lore and related matters continuing late into the night.
It should be noted here that Nameless is not aware of any such human arch magus dwelling or having ever dwelt on this side of the Laggosa peaks and thought he is not a sage of such things the memory of even a youthful elf stretches back more than a human life time and the lore of his people back to the dawn of time. None the less the human mage seems honest and the evidence he shared if very sketchy seemed to be genuine.
In the morning over breakfast the discussion continued for where it had left off ast night. With Melias who was mildly annoyed at being excluded from the onversation before as he has his one interest in magical lore joining in. The discussions also drew in another traveller with an interest in the arcane who introduced herself as Keras Ashwyn a ranger who said she was on the way to see the sage not far to the north. This lead to a discussion about the possibility of the sage having more information on the lost library of the arch mage which Emeric was looking for and the company having formed and breakfasted enquired of the temple guards of the route to the mages tower and being advised that it was a hard route which would take them the better part of the day. They set off for the sages tower guided by the ranger who whilst not local was experienced at such things.
A hard day’s travel found them approaching the sage’s tower.
An interlude for two characters - which takes place whilst episode VII -X above are occurring
Dramatis Personae
Nameless Elven Mage
Melias B’Paran Human Mage-Thief
The Sages tower and east into the mountains toward the high pass but not into it.
The sage himself was the soul of hospitality and entertained his guests to a standard that even the easily angered and to be honest extremely picky Melias considered proper. The accommodation was good even if the nature of the building, a converted Kalamarian watch post made them of necessity small. The sage was lavish with his knowledge too only asking in payment that they should add to it store.
In the few days that they stayed with him he was able to provide Melias with some additional spells which thought little more than cantrips where within his ability to learn He was unfortunately unable to add too much to Emetic’s quest for the fabled magical library however promises to look more deeply into the records left by his predecessors who where as he is not wizards. The Sages interest in wizardry is rather peripheral, to the acquisition of knowledge and he uses little of the magic he was thought and none to any other end. In all these discussions there ranger guide listens politely in the background but it is clear she has no interest and it would seem that she is happier being treated as a servant than an equal
Nameless is happy to allow any human whatever eccentricity they so chose after all in a century any human is going to be dead and he baring accidents or violence will still be in the first flush of his youth.
After learning all they could from spending several days with the Sage, time finally comes to pay for that service by getting him more information to add to his store. To this end the Sage asks the company to travel to the north east in search of a ruined temple of a forgotten god whose worship was apparently practiced by the Dreji tribes of this region before they where absorbed into the Brandobian kingdom. He does not want the company to delve into the ruins as the party is too small but should they find them the Sage says that a party in Bet Kalmar will be prepared to mount a larger and more through expedition which the Sage is sure they would be allowed to join.
The Sage allows the small company to equip itself from the Sages pantry’ and provides a couple of guards form his own men and a pack mule or two. The foot hills and the mountains are hazardous and inhabited by barbarous humanoids of several types and he does want the company to return safe with his information.
The company sets off from the Sages tower early in the morning crossing the ford fist before heading off into the wild hills beyond and for now at the least out of the compass of this tale.
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